Most of us have experienced back pain at some moment. Maybe your back pain was only the result of a pulled muscle, but if a more serious injury or chronic disorder is the cause, your back pain may be sticking around. The primary step to getting the appropriate treatment is to correctly identify the underlying reason of your pain.,Troubles with your back may also result in troubles in other parts of your body. Your spinal cord consists of all the major nerves in your body, which then extend out to your different extremities. If your vertebrae or spinal fluid intrude on the spinal cord, you may feel pain in your arms or legs, or a tingling numbness. When this happens in your legs, it’s called sciatica. But, it can also happen in the upper body. So, if you have indications like pain in your neck or arms, your doctor may also check your back.,Determining the Cause of Back Pain,It can be tough to determine the origin of back pain as our spines are so complex, with plenty of opportunities for weakness and injury. Your doctor will likely start by asking you about your daily activities and routines; some back pain is brought about by repetitive stress, that is, doing the same motion over and over again. If this is the case, changing your habits or even getting a new desk chair may be enough to cure you!,However, if simple fixes don’t help, your back pain may be caused by a more serious injury, a chronic disorder, or a degenerative disorder. To detect these, your doctor will need to perform more tests.,One diagnostic tool he or she may use is a digital motion x-ray, or DMX. A digital motion x-ray differs from a traditional x-ray as it allows you to capture images of your body in motion. This is highly advantageous for the reason that often patients experience pain only when they move in a specific direction or complete a specific activity.,A digital motion x-ray works by capturing about 30 images per second. It combines traditional x-ray techniques with new optical and digital technology. Depending on the kind of pain you’re experiencing, the doctor may take the x-ray while you’re standing still or in a weight bearing position.,Unlike other x-ray techniques, the digital motion x-ray can be utilized to evaluate all the ligaments in your cervical spine (your neck). The tool can also be utilized to detect damage to your ligaments that cannot be seen with MRI’s or traditional x-rays.,Getting a digital motion x-ray is a fast and easy method that doesn’t take much longer than capturing a traditional x-ray. However, it offers unprecedented diagnostic power.,If you experience back pain or pain in neck, back, or extremities, inquire your doctor if a digital motion x-ray could help pinpoint the reason of your illness.